The following is a copy of a letter sent to Dr. Arturo Valenzuela, the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs by over fifty scholars and practitioners meddling in Central American affairs.Dr. Arturo Valenzuela, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, United States Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520.
Dear Arturo:
As a group of scholars of Central America we ask that you seek to change the ill advised position taken by Mr. Thomas Shannon that would recognize the results of the Honduran election even though Pres Zelaya is not restored to office.
This sets a terrible precedent that undermines the wave of democratization that has swept the region because it in essence legitimizes a coup. It is at odds with the other Latin American nations. We ask also that the Department of State not fund election observation missions by the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute, as announced by Senator Richard Lugar.
This would legitimize a patently illegitimate poll. The secretary general of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, said he would not send observers to monitor the November 29th elections, while many of the OAS's member countries said they would not recognize the election winner unless Zelaya was reinstated. Will you push for reconsideration of the decision to send U.S. observers?
The issue is not whether technical election procedures are carried out, or if the ballots are counted accurately, but rather the effects on the election of the coup. Several candidates have withdrawn because they do not wish to legitimize an election sponsored by a coup government, including Carlos H. Reyes of the Independent Party and leader of the resistance movement against the coup.
It is highly unlikely that the forces behind the coup would have allowed him to take office were he to win. The broad-based national resistance movement has called for a total boycott of the elections and a number of candidates have withdrawn.
Press reports note that as many as 110 mayoral and 55 congressional candidates have withdrawn because they do not believe the elections will be free and fair.We are concerned that there appear to be powerful forces (beyond the individual efforts of Senator Jim DeMint) pushing the United States in the direction of acceptance of efforts to roll back the democratic gains in Latin America because of the election of some or all candidates of the left. Could you tell us if you perceive these rollback efforts as a threat and, if so, what your plans are to minimize them?Human rights violations continue.
The Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared of Honduras (COFADEH) notes, in its second report since the coup, that the de facto government relies on:
“the use of excessive force on the part of military and police, control of the media and closure of media outlets that are not allies of the regime, use of paramilitaries to intimidate, threaten and kidnap those opposed to the coup, and the emission of illegal decrees that suspend the exercise of fundamental rights....
It is clear that a repressive apparatus is being mounted to intimidate and annihilate resistance to the coup. In the 115 days since the coup, thousands of human rights violations have been registered that reflect the evolution of state violence and the rupture of institutionality.”The United States should forcefully condemn these human rights violations. We ask that it announce that the U.S. will not fund observers to the Nov. 29 elections, and that it not recognize the election results, and that we will work with other members of the Inter-American community to resolve this crisis in a way that reflects democratic processes and respects human rights.
Jack Spence, University of Massachusetts, Boston Aaron Schneider, Tulane University David Close, Memorial University of Newfoundland Marc Zimmerman, University of Houston Nora Hamilton, University of Southern CaliforniaFrancisco J. Barbosa, University of Colorado, BoulderKaren Kampwirth, Knox College Ellen Moodie, University of Illinois Gary Prevost, St. John's UniversityThomas W. Walker, Ohio University Irene B. Hodgson, Xavier University Julie Stewart, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Marc Edelman, Hunter College, CUNY Lisa Kowalchuk, University of Guelph, Ontario Sylvia Tesh, University of Arizona Eliza Willis, Grinnell College Lena Mortensen, University of Toronto Scarborough Abigail E. Adams, Central Connecticut State University Robin Maria DeLugan, University of California-Merced Susanne Jonas, University of California, Santa Cruz Mary Finley-Brook, University of Richmond Aviva Chomsky, Salem State College Mayo C. Toruño, California State University, San Bernardino Miguel Gonzalez, York University Richard Grossman, Northeastern Illinois University Carol A. Smith, University of California, Davis William S. Stewart, California State University, Chico Katherine Borland, The Ohio State University Hector Perla, University of California, Santa Cruz Jefferson Boyer, Appalachian State UniversityRose Spalding, De Paul University Bruce Calder, University of Illinois, ChicagoSheila R. Tully, San Francisco State UniversityLaDawn Haglund, Arizona State University Suyapa Portillo, Pomona College Arturo Arias, University of TexasLaura Enriquez, University of California, Berkeley Chris Chiappari, St. Olaf CollegeDana Frank, University of California, Santa CruzKatherine Hoyt, Nicaragua Network Gilbert G. Gonzalez, University of California, Irvine Celia Simonds, California State University Northridge Beatriz Cortez, California State University, Northridge Ana Patricia Rodriguez, University of Maryland, College Park Justin Wolfe, Tulane Univesrity Gloria Rudolf, University of Pittsburgh Elizabeth Dore, University of Southampton, UKRichard Stahler-Sholk, Eastern Michigan University Leisy Abrego, University of California, Irvine Craig Auchter, Butler University Bill Barnes, City College of San Francisco Linda J. Craft, North Park University, Chicago Lois Ann Lorentzen, University of San Francisco Juliana Martinez Franzoni, University of Costa Rica Breny Mendoza, California State University, Northridge.
Note: This cabal of "useful fools" conveniently omit any mention of the many socialist/communist human rights abuses and electoral fraud by Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, or the communist 50 year old dynasty of the Castro brothers in the humiliated island of Cuba. As a Central American, I can only say to these armchair communists,
"Surrender your country, not mine." Central America, my land, my decision. "NO" to foreign interventionists.