Wednesday, May 20, 2009

All this silly talk about banning assault weapons, semi-automatic rifles and handguns, high capacity magazines, ammunition and the rest of the banal rantings of the gun-grabber crowd is simply feel-good rhetoric. Guns aren't the bogyman; guns are simply inert lifeless tools, like a hammer, a saw, a knife, or your car. Guns don't kill people, sick people kill people. The hypocrisy in all this is that we live in a nation that is inherently pro-gun and whose military budget is more than that of the rest of the world combined. We also happen to be the number one exporter of weapons in the world, and our own history as a free nation got off to its start with the famous "shot heard around the world." Since Lexington and Concord, the sound of gun fire has been the sound of our freedom and of our Star Spangled Banner. We the People, with guns blazing, won the privilege to be free citizens with inalienable constitutional rights, and not subjects of some foreign "God anointed" monarch. Let's never forget that those who turn their guns into plow shears will sooner or later end-up plowing for those who didn't.

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