Friday, June 19, 2009

U.S. Iranian Intervention.

It's so very obvious that the U.S. is once again mixed-up and manipulating the internal affairs of other independent countries. We're already dabbling in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and now we stick our noses in the Iranian elections. It's obvious that we could care less who is the winner, and that what we want is to use the unrest to try and topple the Islamic regime.

Our involvement is so blantant that even the protestor's placards are in English and not Farsi. Of course that the U.S. denies involvement in any of this, but the coincidences are simply too obvious and out in the open for all see. It's easy to see the coincidences for past U.S. inherence, just remember how many times the U.S. through the years has removed and installed leaders and governments in Iran itself. I'm sure we all remember Arbenz in Guatemala, Allende in Chile, Trujillo in Dominican Republic, Somoza en Nicaragua, Noriega in Panama, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Etc. just to mention a few.

Seems that the more things change, the more things remain the same. In human history there always seems to be the odd man out, the one that won't has to go and who won't be missed. It will be interesting to follow now that we hand Pjongjang on third base. Chavez? ...He's just a pesty fly we have on the back burner.

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