Throughout the Honduran crisis the international media has reported sporadic agreements between the two sides as if interim president Micheletti was really capable of making concessions without the Honduran congress and Supreme Court, and the ousted socialist ex president Zelaya was certain to get the OK from his mentor and sugar daddy, Hugo Chavez.
It’s obvious that is nothing happened to Zelaya when he was ousted from the country in the so-called coup de etat, that nothing would happen to him now if he walked out of the Brazilian embassy. Things happening now should be analyzed based on what happened before and notwithstanding the threats of violence by the militant left.
But, most media accounts have been devoid of analysis and have relied on banal rhetoric and sheer demagoguery since most don’t quite grasp what the underlying problem actually is.
The international media is quick to condemn Honduras and say nothing of the blatant electoral fraud the illicit enrichment of Daniel Ortega whom Nicaraguans now call, “the new Somoza.” The three factors that should be considered when analyzing developments in Honduras are: everything that has taken place in the last four months; a Fat Lady about to sing and several of her sisters waiting in the wings. If you will, the past, the present, and betting on what is likely to take place in the future. Albeit, the future portends the end of this silly Bolivarian alliance of acolytes who see Chavez not at the statesman he would like, but rather as a jackass loaded with his new found wealth of petrodollars.
Honduras has heroically held the line against international leftist interventionists who demanded the reinstatement of Zelaya. Hondurans cherish their freedom and their democracy and their patriotic shouts to the foreign meddlers was, “Our country, our decision.”
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