Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is the United States reaching a critical point like none other....

Politicized opinions abound in the country that the dangerous borrowing, reckless spending, the heavy-handed government expansion at home, along with appeasement overseas -- it is unprecedented in our American history and radically out of step with our values.

And according to some conservative analysts America's future is in jeopardy if we don't act now.

That's why the followers of my Blog are among a select group of Americans who are able to take part in the following Survey on America's Future.

If you like, please take just 3-5 minutes of your time right now to complete our online Survey -- --and give your opinions on the critical issues we face as a nation and as a Republican Party.

The Republican Party also needs to know -- do you oppose the government-rationed health care plan being pushed by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democrats?

• Do you believe the so-called "stimulus" bill President Obama and the Democrats passed with almost zero Republican votes has failed to help our economy?

• Do you agree that annual trillion dollar deficits are a terrible risk for our economy and a dangerous burden for our kids and grand kids?

• Do you agree it was a bad idea for President Obama to take over General Motors?
I'm sponsoring legislation called the "Government Ownership Exit Plan" that forces the government to end its ownership of private businesses within the next year. Do you support this bill and others to stop future bailouts and get the government out of our free enterprise economy?

Once you've offered your opinions, the Republicans ask to also make a secure contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $15 to the RNC to help defeat the far-left agenda in Washington and win big victories at the polls in the mid-term elections.

Because at this point, the voters know what the Democrats' version of America's future looks like: a massive federal government, new taxes, job-killing new restrictions on small businesses, taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, and appeasement of our terrorist enemies and rogue regimes worldwide.

That's why -- as the latest polls show -- the vast majority of Americans agree with the Republicans that: one-party left-wing rule in Washington has been a disaster.

The RNC is planning to conduct advertising and grassroots activities -- based on the results of this Survey Project -- in 50 targeted congressional districts nationwide along with 12 states where there are hotly-contested Senate races.

The RNC is counting on your wise counsel to help fight the Democrats' agenda. And conservative candidates for the House and Senate are counting on your generous support to help them go toe-to-toe with the Obama left-wing money machine and WIN on Election Day...

This all seems fine and dandy, but both the Republicans and Democrats have been in and out of political power for a very long time, and the American people are still waiting for an honest and comprehensive universal healthcare plan. This issue has been on the political platter since 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt proposed it.

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