Friday, July 10, 2009

Any Self Respecting Insurgent is more fearful of dying of old age than of being killed on the battlefield...

We all know and it’s common knowledge that the chafarrote, Hugo Chavez, has as his mission in life to destabilize Latin American democracies and U.S. allies in the region, as if he or Venezuela were under attack.

His current victim country is tiny Honduras, but if it wasn’t Honduras it would be somewhere else. Chavez has been shown to be an insecure and frustrated egomaniac who has the petrol dollars to feed his compulsion, to feel important and to feel that he matters.

As the ALBA countries in Latin America come under the Chavez boot, they will soon discover that Socialism or anything resembling socialism is ultimately doomed to fail.

As in Cuba with the Castro’s fifty year old dynasty, we’ve witnessed that, “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” And the Cuban people only want to escape that once beautiful island paradise.

All these demagogic feel-good ideologies, filled with nonsensical rhetoric will ultimately and irrefutably fail simply because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes the reward away, no one will want to succeed.

After all, we must realize that we are dealing with the reality of human nature.

Cuba contines to be a fantastic example of this truth, where the national pastime apparently has become to look for a decent inner tube and splash your way to America.

Another great example of this phenomenon, resides in the families who no longer want to work because they prefer waiting for their monthly "remesas" from the U.S.

The Cuban government finally decided to levy a 10% tax on these remesas coming from abroad!

I dare only imagine the uproar and condemnations if ARENA had gone to that extreme.

But then, we live in a democratic country where we can peacefully voice our opinions. God bless.

1:03 PM

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