Friday, July 17, 2009

Zelaya reviewing marching orders with sugar daddy, Hugo Chavez...

Leftist Venezuelan de facto dictator, Hugo Chavez, again meddling in the internal affairs of foreign states, said yesterday that his ALBA ally, the ousted Honduran president, Maneul Zelaya, will return to Honduras within the next hours. This clear provocation for a blood bath in Honduras, despite the ongoing second round of negotiations in Costa Rica between the delegations of Zelaya and Micheletti, is the type of interventionism that Hugo Chavez has become infamously known for in the region.

The Honduran people accuse Hugo Chavez of meddling and intervention, and of inciting Manuel Zelaya to return to Honduras and eternalize his presidency. If in effect Zelaya returns to Honduras, there is an arrest warrant for him, and he will be arrested and charged with the crimes of treason, violating the Constitution, and attempting to be reelected indefinitely and become president for life, as Hugo Chavez has so often implied regarding his ALBA Alliance acolytes.

Also, and in Bolivia, another leftist ALBA alliance president Evo Morales, stated his solidarity with Zelaya and proclaimed to the press, “we need to support Zelaya.”

These reckless comments and the constant meddling of Hugo Chavez and his ALBA alliance lackeys have heighten tensions in the region and made more difficult the mediation and dialog by Costa Rican president, Oscar Arias, who has proposed the formation of a national government of unity in Honduras that would defuse this mayor crisis that Central America has faced in the last decades.

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