The selective international blustering and outcry denouncing the Honduran nation continues full strength and unabated. The most recent warning to Honduras being that U.N. Blue Helmets will accompany the ousted leftist ALBA president, Manuel Zelaya, and forcefully reinstate him into office.
This entire Honduran drama of ousting from office a leftist president who was trampling the nation's constitution and bypassing the established government institutions, has become a circus, and it is so blatantly obvious that the forceful removal from office of the leftist, Manuel Zelaya, represents an unacceptable precedent to Hugo Chavez's plans to install ALBA puppet governments throughout the hemisphere, with himself as the omnipotent 800 pound gorilla and hemispheric caudillo.
The sickening hypocracy of the world condemnation of Honduras becomes obvious when we compare events there with the fradulent presidential elections in Nicaragua, where there was no world outcry in defense of democracy whatsoever. Only the U.S. stepped in and condemned the electoral furaud by withholding the Millenium grant from Honduras. Daniel Ortega has now become the vitual "for life" ruler of Nicaragua and has become the unopposed dictator, amassing a vast fortune following in the foot steps of the late Anastacio Somoza. To Ortega's political resume, we can also add that his own step daughter publicly accuses him of raping her as a young girl.
In continuing this comparison of world outcry's, we cannot exclude the infamous Castro Bros. dynasty that has held an iron grip on absolute power in Cuba for the past 50 years. Again, there is no worldwide pro democracy clamor or outcry, and even Miguel D'Escoto, ex Sandinista, and President of the OAS has invited Raul Castro to join the democratic OAS countries. But we are all well aware of the Castro brothers and their rein of terror on that tormented island.
Lastly but not least, let's no forget Hugo Chavez himself, who has become the virtual dictator of Venezuela by shutting down any opposition radio, TV and news outlets, confiscating and nationalizing opposition beld companies (both foreign and domestic), while doling out Venezuela's oil wealth to his supporters thus keeping them content while he consolidates his power base and builds up his armed forces with the latest Russian fighter aircraft, ships, guns, Etc.
These current events, by any definition are clearly not Democracy as we all know and understand it, so the obvious would be that we clarify what Democracy actually is. Democracy needs to be understood by definition and by process, because as it now stands everyone claims to be a democracy; from North Korea, to Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, North Yemen, Etc. We all know that this list is long, although not at all illustrious nor complete.
During this period of democratic abuse in Latin America, there has been absolutely no world outcry nor did the U.N. threaten or take condemning action against any country other than Honduras. Only the U.S. suspended a Millennium grant to Nicaragua because of the blatant fraud and deciet by Daniel Ortega during the last presidential elections. In response to the U.S. sanctions, Hugo Chavez quickly stepped in and gave Nicaragua 50 million dollars of his (Venezuela's) petro dollars.
It's clear to those who have lived it, that ALBA and Hugo Chavez are creating a twisted and perverse version of Democracy in Latin America. It's all there and out in the open for all to see but as we know, there is no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see.
The truth stands alone but a lie needs complicity, and reality remains, that these leftist would-be dictators of the Chavez ALBA group are simply using Democracy when it's to their convenience. Most of the world might condemn Honduras, but most don't even know or care on what continent Honduras is located. Nevertheless, there are always those frustrated leftist whiners and social misfits who will join the bandwagon and scream bloody murder simply because an Hugo Chavez or an ex-Sandinista, President of the OAS, condemns a so-called military coup in Honduras.
The facts remain, that if this were indeed a military coup as the leftist would have us believe, we'd see military figures forming the new interim government, and we'd be hearing martial music broadcast from all radio stations. After all, we've all witnessed or lived through real military coups in the past and these aren't something new and unknown to us. What the radical ALBA left now want and urgently need are martyrs; dead people shot and killed by the military, so that way they can parade the smelly caskets up and down the hot sun of Tegucigalpa streets, condemning vicious military brutality before the cameras of world foreign journalists. For the present, the tactic of Hugo Chavez is to infiltrate Honduras with professional ALBA agitators from neighboring El Salvador and Nicaragua, their hopes being to provoke the Honduran military to open fire upon the crowd of civilians these agitators have inflitrated.
All this reminds me of the Clint Eastwood saying, "Go ahead, make my day."
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