Monday, August 3, 2009

Lou Dobbs ... A Challenge for the CNN...

Yes, it’s totally reasonable to conclude that Lou Dobbs has become more and more of a liability nightmare for CNN with his continuous anti Hispanic rhetoric that contradicts the networks "no bias" brand of news reporting.

It’s hard to understand how this toothy, piggy bank look-alike of a man can harangue the Hispanic community with his nightly drum beating and still maintain his network job.

I for one, stopped viewing the Lou Dobbs Program long ago, and switched to Univision because watching Lou Dobbs constituted only a banal continuation of the same warn out theme, blaming the Hispanic community or the illegal aliens for everything from sneaking atomic bombs into the country to the conspiracy theory of a Fifth Columnists silent invasion, where Mexicans nationals were sneaking in and taking back the lands that the U.S. took from them during the Alamo or the Mexican-American War or whatever.

I’m sure Lou Dobbs tries to do a good job of it; the problem for the CNN is that he doesn’t.


  1. Millions of illegal immigrants broke the laws of a sovereign nation! We must go after the purveyors who attract these, poor uneducated people! To be honest I'm fed up with supporting any person, who crosses the border, stays on an expired tourist visa. The corporate world have for decades, dumped these people on the doorstep of Taxpayers. We, as Americans cannot even access, half the benefits that are handed to illegals on a free platter. Don't let the fumblers in Washington weaken E-Verify--part of the SAVE ACT. Politicians must not dissolve such local police laws as 287(g) or severely cut back on lightening raids by ICE. As you read this commentary we have the US chamber of Commerce, ACLU, The Council of Foreign Relations and a whole retinue of business concerns, who don't believe they should be dictated to--BY A LARGE SLICE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

    Our laws have been manipulated for the benefit of ruthless organizations, who runs on profiteering and corruption, with the big fat dollar bill. Alas, it has become--THEM--against us. YES! To a orderly points system for the ultra skilled immigrant, who does not feed at the public welfare trough? But--NO--to the poor, uneducated--who cannot support themselves or their larger families. We must build on the technological illegal worker extraction process called E-Verify. We must rigidly penalize all employers who refuse to follow immigration enforcement. There must be adequate funding to construct more deterrents in the SAVE ACT, to make it impossible for illegal labor to fraudulently bypass E-Verify. We can no longer afford to be a welfare country, for anybody who enters the United States.

    The usual imbeciles in the Democratic leadership, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein and most you can guess for yourself. Now if the Democratic health care package goes through--TAXPAYERS WE WILL STILL BE UNDERWRITING all the foreigners that businesses can use. There is a sordid conspiracy going on with a group called "IMMIGRATIONWORKSUSA" brought and paid for by corporate--CHEAP LABOR--executives.DON'T LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SUPPOSEDLY INSPIRE. This group wants the Free movement of foreign labor, across our border without any restrictions All the truth, without the lies at NUMBERSUSA. DO NOT STOP HARASSING THE LAWMAKERS, AS YOUR CALLS ARE REALLY WORKING. Contact your lawmaker TODAY! at 202-224-3121 INFORM ICE IF YOU KNOW OF A PARASITE BUSINESS, UTILIZING ILLEGAL LABOR.

  2. I must agree with you 100% that our immigration policy is a shame, is broken and clearly needs fixing. Every country has the right and the obligation to secure its borders from illegal aliens, drug smugglers, terrorists, and what ever else happens to join the bandwagon of the American Dream.

    No matter what the government officials tell us; that they're doing a great jo; that they've arrested so many more illegals this year than before, Etc. Reality is that we continue to have a porus border and someone is making a lot of money because of it. If we wanted to close our borders we could, see the Korean 38th parallel.

    We no longer have a government of the people, by the people and for the people, that is undeniable. Our goverment has been corrupted by embedded career politicians and lobbyists who represent the true masters of this country, the industrial-finanacial-military complex. "We the People" only get to pay the bills and crawl around the table snatching up the crumbs that fall for the feasting elite.

    Everyone realizes that our system of goverment is broken and that we are leaderless, but the masses feel intimidated, frightened, cowered and powerless to do anything about it. The situation for America as we have known and loved her will only worsen as we become more and more third world. The enemy was at our gates and we were them. thanks for your comment. Best wishes.
