This weekend, Hugo Chavez agents violently forced their way in and silenced more than 34 radio and TV stations in Venezuela, in violence reminiscent or seen since the infamous 'Crystal Nacht'. During the weekend Hugo Chavez government ruffians aided regulators in revoking the radio and TV stations licenses while refusing to renew others.
In this most recent instance of blatant abuse of power and repression by the socialist de facto president, Hugo Chavez, neither the Organization of American States (OAS) nor the Obama administration were there to condemn the silencing and censorship of these news outlets. It would appear that the crimes committed by socialist regimes are shamelessly granted immunity and the people of Venezuela now have one more freedom restricted and their voices silenced.
It is common knowledge throughout Venezuela that more that 250 other radio and T V stations are “under investigation” as the tin horn dictator leftist president, Hugo Chavez, with impunity consolidates his nefarious grip on power by silencing all opposition and dissent.
Following the Chavez lead, his ALBA acolyte, Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, also stated that he too would regulate all radio and TV frequencies to conform to new and strict state censorship control. Although Correa gave no other specifics, the now accustomed silence to socialist abuses was deafening from the OAS and Obama camps.
In Venezuela, the only anti-Chavez voice of freedom remains the TV channel Globovision, that now faces this current crackdown on dissent that could force it off the air in the next few days. Chavez goon squads have been terrorizing the Globovision studios, tossing tear gas bombs and physically beating employees.
While Hugo Chavez and his ALBA Alliance openly intervene in the internal affairs of their neighbors while committing horrendous acts of human rights abuses in their own countries, the OAS and the Obama administration do nothing, not even slap a hand, while U.S. continental leadership erodes and our vowed enemies more steadily to fill our vacillating and timid response.
The U.S. needs to surpass the current doldrums that we seem to be languishing in, and define our policy toward Latin America for the 21st Century. We must again be that beacon of light on a hill, and counter act the forces of evil by working with our hemispheric allies in an equal partnership toward a mutually beneficial and exemplary prosperity.
Time is of essence, and by his perceived actions I don’t think that President Obama is up to the job of defining, defending and promoting our American values and our American way of life even among our natural continental allies and friends.
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