Sunday, August 2, 2009

Obama campaigned on "Change" ... But his vison of change is Socialism...

Have we all heard about Hugo Chavez's most recent tightening of his power base; the de facto tin horn dictator and Obama leftist pal, Hugo Chavez, yesterday closed 34 radio stations that were beaming anti Chavez broadcasts.

At the same time, the chafarrote threatened to close another 250 radio an TV stations in a note sent them by the Venezuelan Telecommunications National Commission (COMATEL).

All this brazen illegality makes me wonder where the our politically correct, Barack Obama, or the OAS and world condemnation is toward this dictatorial censorship. Let's remember that the same eerie silence was afforded Daniel Ortega with his infamously fraudulent past election.

This outlandish hypocrisy that we are witnessing these days, and usual and expected reaction of those useful fools who are always ready with their lame excuses and finger pointing is always good for a laugh.

True, that I can laugh at these shameless government actions because I live far way and in this paradise on earth called U.S.A., but I have to pity the poor people living under those dictatorial socialist regimes that we are in fact supporting.

The problem is that if this type of political fraud continues in Latin America, which will obviously end-up breaking those fragile economies, we'll soon have a human tsunami banging and overwheloming our southern borders.

It's only fair that our leftist (Yanki Go Home) Latin friends should at least have the conviction to go to Cuba, but we all know they don't and won't.

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